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On 4/14/10 4:11 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> On 4/14/10 3:59 PM, Hariharan B wrote:
>> Hello Alexander,
>> The error that you got wasn't because there is a bug in the program. It
>> is merely because lower java version was used. I have added Type:
>> java(1.6) to the info file, which I believe will fix this issue. Please
>> check if you have java 1.6 installed in your /Library/Java/Home.
>> Ideally, there should be a directory called "1.6".
>> Thank you
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Hariharan B
>> International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
> No.
> $ ls /Library/Java/Home
> appledocs.jar  bin  bundle  docs.jar  include  lib  man  shared_bundle
> src.jar
> (on two separate 10.5 machines)
> The only place where I have any reference to Java 1.6 is in
> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework.

It appears that you've done something non-portable.  /Library/Java/Home
is a symbolic link on everybody's system I talked to, and does _not_
contain a "1.6" directory anywhere.  On 10.5 I get:

$ ls -l /Library/Java/Home
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 48 Dec  5 08:29 /Library/Java/Home ->

On 10.5 it winds up pointing to Java 1.5, and on 10.6, to Java 1.6:

$ /Library/Java/Home/bin/java -version
java version "1.5.0_22"

So you either need to find a way to make it use Java 1.6 both on 10.5
and 10.6, or mark it as 10.6-only.  The only package that I currently
can find that works on 10.5 and is marked as for java1.6 only is jswat,
so that might be something to check.
- -- 
Alexander Hansen
Fink User Liaison
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