Jack Howarth wrote:
>    In order to work around the conflicts over ffi.3,
> ffi_call.3 and ffi_prep_cif.3 between the libffi and
> gcc45 package, I am looking at adding the calls to
> update-alternatives to gcc45. Looking at the openmotif4.info
> as an example, I see...
> PostInstScript: <<
> update-alternatives --install %p/share/man/man3/Object.3 Object.3 
> %p/share/man/man3/Object.3.openmotif 65
> <<
> PreRmScript: <<
> if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
>   update-alternatives --remove Object.3 %p/share/man/man3/Object.3.openmotif
> fi
> <<
> However, this doesn't seem to be functional as my installed copy of openmotif4
> has...
> ls -l /sw/share/man/man3/Object.3
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  admin  2452 Sep 12  2009 /sw/share/man/man3/Object.3
> cd /sw/etc/alternatives
> ls -l Object.3
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  33 Jul 24  2009 Object.3 -> 
> /sw/share/man/man3/Object.3.tcltk
> but... 
> ls -l /sw/share/man/man3/Object.3.tcltk
> ls: /sw/share/man/man3/Object.3.tcltk: No such file or directory

Although it is a blatant misuse of the update-alternatives system, this 
example is actually an excellent illustration for the reasons why I hate 
this system:

The system was certainly not meant for avoiding random file name 
conflicts between arbitrary packages, but for allowing users to choose 
variants of certain generic utilities. A good example would be 
/sw/bin/sed, which can point to various different versions of sed. But 
even in this legitimate case I would dispute its utility, because its 
effect is that in practice you *lose* control over what you have installed.

In your example, update-alternatives was originally used to hide the 
fact that 2 packages used the same name for two quite different man 
pages. The update-alternatives command was put into the Fink info files 
many years ago and then carried on, although it had long since lost its 
usefulness, because nobody (you included, when you were maintainer of 
openmotif) understood what it was doing, and therefore nobody dared 
remove it.

> In this case don't we need to explicitly move aside the Object.3 as
> Object.3.tcltk in the install directory before creating the deb files?

tcltk hasn't had an Object.3 man page for many years, and the package 
doesn't use update-alternatives --install, only --remove. But you are 
right, the openmotif package, if it really was serious about using the 
update-alternatives system, would have had to rename its Object.3 file 
first, which it appears to have never done. So even when it was 
introduced into the openmotif info file in 2003 (or earlier; cvs log 
shows that it was there in April 2003), the update-alternatives command 
was probably not doing what it was supposed to do.

In short: Do not use update-alternatives, unless you absolutely need to 
and you know what you are doing.


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