On Apr 28, 2010, at 7:04 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 4/28/10 6:18 PM, Dmitry Nezhevenko wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> I want to package htop software that is currently unavailable in fink.
>> Unfortunately original "htop" from sourceforge supports only linux however
>> there is a htop-osx project at github (http://github.com/AndyA/htop-osx)
>> that looks like a htop fork that works on osx. This fork contains no
>> tarballs, so clone/checkout from VCS is the only way to get sources.
>> So what is a correct way to package such software? I've created tarball
>> myself and placed it to directory with other fink downloads. After playing
>> a bit with auto* I was able to build it and get .deb.
>> Also should I contribute htop package to fink?
> If you'd like to contribute it to Fink, we'd want
> 1) The tarball to be placed somewhere online.
> 2) It needs to have a version associated with the vcs revision number
> attached to it.

github can also generate tarballs of specific revisions on the fly. For 
example, the tarball of the most recent commit would be 
http://download.github.com/AndyA-htop-osx-34864f0.tar.gz. That's a neat feature 
of github.


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