On 31 Mar, 2010, at 9:07 AM, Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:

> It's also linking to both /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib and 
> /sw/lib/libiconv.2.dylib, which is likely to cause problems.  There's 
> probably a way to reorder the linker flags in some Makefile to have it 
> link only to Fink's libiconv.

        Well, i thought i had found a solution to this, but the validator 
doesn't like it: i give configure an argument "--with-libiconv-prefix=/sw/lib/" 
to avoid linking to the system libiconv.2.dylib [more on this later].  Now we 
have reproducibility in that we guarantee that we only link to our own 
libiconv.  However "--build-as-nobody" complains: "Warning: Field 
"configureparams" appears to contain a hardcoded /sw."  Is there a better way 
to handle this?

        FWIW, the 64 bit libiconv library provided by the system is deficient 
in that it doesn't expose the _libiconv_open symbol.  I filed a bug report with 

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