On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:52:26PM -0500, Peter O'Gorman wrote:
> Hi,
> It's looking less and less likely that I will have the time to deal with
> everything Jack has submitted, but I would like to see them committed to
> fink sooner rather than later.
> Please feel free to take over any of his submissions from me, and commit
> them if you think they're ok.
> Jack, sorry, I have no free weekend time for a few weeks.
> Peter

   I believe the submissions for gcc45-4.5.0-1001 and gcc44-4.4.4-1000
are basically done. While I realize that JF wants to always have the
info files present under their original names (sans suffix) when the main
gcc4x package is deinstalled, I don't think this is 1) easy to do and
2) worth holding up the packages. We should assume that the users aren't
total idiots and will realize that, like the programs and man pages, the
info files are also suffixed. If Daniel wants to update the packages
later with some more elegant approach to retaining the info files with
their original names, he is welcome to do so. My only concern about the
merit of that approach is the following. It is entirely unclear to me
how (except by resorting to an explicit path to the info file) that
the user would know exactly which info file he is looking at. So for
example, if you wanted information on the new LTO features in gcc 4.6.0,
how would you know that you aren't actually looking at the older info
file from gcc 4.5.0. It almost seems like the solution (co-existing 
info files under the original names) would be as bad as the original
problem (having to use the -fsf-4.x suffix).
   We also need the newer cloog-0.15.9 package installed into unstable
as well. You can also reduce the revision number on gcc45 to
1000 if you like. I had it at 1001 to test upgrades from the older
style packaging without the split-off.
ps Steven is still grinding away on Mach-O LTO so we should be able
to get that into the upcoming gcc45-4.5.1 package one way or another.
pps Of course, they could always just give me back my commit access
to the cvs which would make your life simplier.

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