On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 09:19:06PM -0400, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 5/15/10 5:19 PM, David Lowe wrote:
> >     I'm nearly through [i think] with the freeciv-gtk2 package.  There is a 
> > remaining issue that i'm not sure the best way to handle.  Upstream lists 
> > ATK as a dependency, yet it gets stripped out with "SetLDFLAGS: 
> > -Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs".  When i inquired about this on the freeciv-dev 
> > list, i was told:
> > 
> >> However, freeciv does not use atk directly. Rather, gtk lists (or at
> >> least used to list) it as its dependency.
> > 
> > So apparently ATK is a dependency for all GTK programs?
> > 
> > Sent from my MacBookPro
> That used to be the case, anyway:  anytime you depended on gtk+2, you
> also needed atk1, glib2, and some other libraries.  I'm not sure whether
> that's changed in the latest Fink/unstable gtk+2 or not.

You still need a bunch of other things when you use gtk. Assuming "you
use gtk" via pkg-config, which is the way gtk publishes the platform
correct flags anyway:) Using -dead_strip on a binary FOO prunes libs
that are not actually used to resolve symbols called from FOO. But it
happens *after* FOO is compiled with a full (as published by
dependencies) set of libraries (i.e., link 'em all, then remove the
useless ones). That cuts down the Depends (runtime requirements) but
still means you need the full BuildDepends (in order to have the
published flags work at compile-time).

Generally speaking, using gtk+2-dev entails pkgconfig (in order to
publish flags), glib2-dev, atk1, cairo, glitz, fontconfig2-dev,
freetype219, pango1-xft2-ft219-dev, x11-dev, and maybe pixman and/or
libgettext8-dev. Take a look at the various gnome packages to see some
standard incantations (minimum versions for self-consistent stable
gnome release level, etc.)


Daniel Macks


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