Hi Ben,

I've just found that Cabextract thinks Mac OS 10.6 can't read large files. 
Therefore, when you try to cabextract a file that either is over 2 GB, or that 
*says* in its header it's over 2 GB, you get this message:

> sj...@smbp$ cabextract -q --directory=tmp arial32.exe
> arial32.exe: library not compiled to support large files.

(arial32.exe, here, is a file from the Corefonts project; it says in its header 
it's over 2 GB, while in fact it is 540 KB)

By modifying config.h between ./configure and make, it's possible to make 
Cabextract believe the system can unpack them just fine:

> sj...@smbp:$ cabextract -q --directory=tmp arial32.exe
> sj...@smbp:$ ls tmp
> Arial.TTF    Arialbd.TTF  Arialbi.TTF  Ariali.TTF   FONTINST.EXE fontinst.inf

I've attached a working cabextract.info to this e-mail; the only change apart 
from a rev-up to 1.3-3 is the added CompileScript:

CompileScript: <<
 ./configure %c
 /bin/echo "#define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE" >>config.h

If you can find a more elegant way to get _LARGEFILE_SOURCE in config.h, that 
would be much better - but at least this workarounds the bug. :)

Do you agree with this fix? If so, I can commit it for you, or you can do it 
yourself if you want.


Attachment: cabextract.info
Description: Binary data

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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