On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 21:07:03 -0400, Alexander Hansen  wrote:
> On 8/24/10 8:34 PM, Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:
  > > On 8/24/10 6:46 PM, Scott R. Santos wrote:
  > >>
> >> 2) I now get the following error when I try to update EMBOSS on 
> X86_64 systems (didn't happen before the new plplot was introduced 
> and guess "wxmac28-shlibs" isn't available for this platform; I 
> consider this another reason to have a "vanilla" version of EMBOSS 
> available via fink):
  > >>
  > >> srsan...@scott-r-santoss-macbook-pro:~$ fink update-all
  > >> Information about 9342 packages read in 0 seconds. 
  > >> Can't resolve dependency "wxmac28-shlibs" for package 
"libplplot10-shlibs-5.9.6-1" (no matching packages/versions found)
  > >> Exiting with failure. 
  > >
  > > According to this page
  > > 
  > > the current Fink version (2.8.x) can't be made to work as x86_64 (uses
  > > Carbon).  However, it seems that the latest upstream version is 2.9.1
  > > (recently released) and earlier news suggests that version should do
  > > 64bit OS X. 
  > Until such time as this makes it into Fink, unless somebody has another
  > idea, I think we need to pull plplot, emboss ... from the 10.6/x86_64 tree. 
plplot only uses wxmac as a plugin/device-driver, so it could be 
packaged separately if someone actually wants it for something. 
Meanwhile, I'll disable it core plplot libs so at least *that* stays 

Daniel Macks


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