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On 12/13/10 6:01 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:
>  From a Fink newbie who installed Fink solely in order to get scribus, I 
> received the following error message. When I build this, it succeeds, 
> and I have different linker flags. In particular, I do have
>   -lQtCLucene
> on the linker line. More precisely, I have the following additional flags
>   -L/sw/lib/system-openssl/lib
>   -L/sw/lib/freetype219/lib
>   -L/sw/lib/fontconfig2/lib
>   -L/sw/lib
>   -L/usr/X11R6/lib
>   -L/sw/src/fink.build/qt4-mac-4.6.3-2/qt-kde-qt-mac/lib
>   -F/sw/src/fink.build/qt4-mac-4.6.3-2/qt-kde-qt-mac/lib
>   -lQtCLucene
> after the "-framework QtHelp", and an additional
> -liconv
> at the end. Unfortunately, with qt4's opaque build system, I have no 
> chance of finding out why those flags are there for me and not for 
> Gunter. I don't even find where the -lQtLucene comes from in my case.
> Perhaps the above list of flags rings a bell with someone? RR?
> Or someone can explain to me how the list of these flags is built?
> I saw a similar message on fink-users in April 2009, related also to 
> linking Assistant, caused there not by a missing -lQtCLucene, but by a 
> missing "-framework phonon". That one was never resolved, and the user 
> probably silently went away and dropped Fink. This will certainly happen 
> with Gunter Woysch, too, if the issue is not resolved soon.
> --
> Martin
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: fink install scribus135-aqua : Failed .. on MacOS X 10.4.11 
> / G4
> Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2010 21:17:28 +0100
> From: Gunter Woysch <gunter.woy...@gmx.de>
> To: Martin Costabel <costa...@wanadoo.fr>
> []
> g++-4.0 -c -pipe -I/sw/lib/system-openssl/include 
> -I/sw/lib/system-openssl/include -I/sw/lib/freetype219/include 
> -I/sw/lib/freetype219/include/freetype2 -I/sw/lib/fontconfig2/include 
> -I/sw/lib/fontconfig2/include -isystem /sw/include -isystem 
> /usr/X11R6/include -g -Wall -W -arch ppc -DQT_WEBKIT_LIB -DQT_SQL_LIB 
> -I../../../../mkspecs/macx-g++40 -I. -I../../../../include/QtCore 
> -I../../../../include/QtNetwork -I../../../../include/QtGui 
> -I../../../../include/QtXml -I../../../../include/QtSql 
> -I../../../../include/QtWebKit -I../../../../include 
> -I../../../../include/QtHelp -I../../../shared/fontpanel 
> -I.moc/debug-shared -I.uic/debug-shared 
> -F/sw/src/fink.build/qt4-mac-4.6.3-2/qt-kde-qt-mac/lib -o 
> .obj/debug-shared/qrc_assistant_images.o 
> .rcc/debug-shared/qrc_assistant_images.cpp
> g++-4.0 -headerpad_max_install_names -L/sw/lib/system-openssl/lib -arch 
> ppc -o ../../../../bin/Assistant.app/Contents/MacOS/Assistant 
> .obj/debug-shared/fontpanel.o .obj/debug-shared/helpviewer.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/main.o .obj/debug-shared/mainwindow.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/indexwindow.o .obj/debug-shared/topicchooser.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/contentwindow.o .obj/debug-shared/searchwidget.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/preferencesdialog.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/filternamedialog.o .obj/debug-shared/centralwidget.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/installdialog.o .obj/debug-shared/bookmarkmanager.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/remotecontrol.o .obj/debug-shared/cmdlineparser.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/aboutdialog.o .obj/debug-shared/qtdocinstaller.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_fontpanel.o .obj/debug-shared/moc_helpviewer.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_mainwindow.o .obj/debug-shared/moc_indexwindow.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_topicchooser.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_contentwindow.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_searchwidget.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_preferencesdialog.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_filternamedialog.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_centralwidget.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_installdialog.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_bookmarkmanager.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_remotecontrol.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_aboutdialog.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/moc_qtdocinstaller.o .obj/debug-shared/qrc_assistant.o 
> .obj/debug-shared/qrc_assistant_images.o 
> -F/sw/src/fink.build/qt4-mac-4.6.3-2/qt-kde-qt-mac/lib 
> -L/sw/lib/system-openssl/lib -L/sw/lib/freetype219/lib 
> -L/sw/lib/fontconfig2/lib -L/sw/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib 
> -L/sw/src/fink.build/qt4-mac-4.6.3-2/qt-kde-qt-mac/lib 
> -L/sw/src/fink.build/qt4-mac-4.6.3-2/qt-kde-qt-mac/plugins/sqldrivers 
> -framework QtHelp -framework QtWebKit -framework phonon -framework 
> QtDBus -framework QtXmlPatterns -framework QtSql -framework QtXml 
> -framework QtGui -framework QtNetwork -framework QtCore
> /usr/libexec/gcc/powerpc-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/ld: warning can't open 
> dynamic library: /sw/lib/qt4-mac/lib/libQtCLucene.4.dylib referenced 
> from: 
> /sw/src/fink.build/qt4-mac-4.6.3-2/qt-kde-qt-mac/lib/QtHelp.framework/QtHelp 
> (checking for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or 
> directory, errno = 2)
> /usr/libexec/gcc/powerpc-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/ld: Undefined symbols:
> QCLuceneHits::~QCLuceneHits()referenced from QtHelp expected to be 
> defined in /sw/lib/qt4-mac/lib/libQtCLucene.4.dylib
> [etc]

The really strange part is that /sw/lib/qt4-mac/lib/libQtCLucene.4.dylib
is part of qt4-mac-* itself.  I'll see if I can reproduce this on

- -- 
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
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