The original poster showed us a transcript, in which fink tried to do  
the swapping, but failed, delivering the dreaded "circular  
dependencies" error message.

   -- Dave

On Feb 18, 2011, at 10:01 AM, Daniel Macks wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 17:13:37  0100, Martin Costabel  wrote:
> Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> []
>>> On 2/18/11 9:01 AM, Prerna Atri wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We tried both the suggested methods (installing libidn and updating
>>>> fink)
>>> Did you update poppler4, too?  The whole discussion below was  
>>> about the
>>> version and dependencies of poppler4.  Doing just a "fink  
>>> selfupdate"
>>> doesn't change the installed versions of any packages other than  
>>> in the
>>> base section.
>>> but the issue still persists.
>>>> We removed the BuildDepends field from .info file. We installed and
>>>> built qt4-mac and poppler4-qt4-mac separately. We were then able to
>>>> install TeXworks successfully from the .info file. However, on  
>>>> placing
>>>> the above two packages, the circular dependency issue still arises.
>> I tried to see the circular dependency problem, but could not  
>> reproduce it.
>> However, libidn is indeed a strange beast and would benefit from a
>> little maintainer attention (CCed): It bdeps both on libgettext3- 
>> dev and
>> on gettext-tools, which nowadays bdeps on libgettext8-dev. If you  
>> build
>> it from scratch, you will at least run into "inconsistent  
>> dependencies"
>> that you have to resolve by hand, and I am not surprised that in some
>> circumstances it can give circular dependencies, even if I couldn't
>> produce them myself.
> I wonder if original poster is confusing the idea of *conflicting
> builddependencies* (A requires C, B requires C', C and C' must be
> swapped in and out, which they can at least sometimes do  
> automatically,
> or at least cleanly with no problem because no one thing requires
> *both*) with "circular" (A requires B, B requires C, C requires A, a
> situation that is logically unsolveable).
> dan
> --
> Daniel Macks
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