On Mar 3, 2011, at 8:44 AM, Charles Lepple wrote:

> On Feb 15, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Daniel Johnson wrote:
>>> If I understand the "point release" selfupdate method, would it be possible 
>>> to just create a new point release that includes the git.info file?
>> Possible? Yes. Likely? Probably not since there isn't even a 10.6 point 
>> release. The whole point release system has been effectively abandoned since 
>> Fink doesn't have the resources to keep up with it.
> Heh. So it turns out I didn't understand the point release system - I thought 
> it was just a snapshot of the info files, and that it was separate from the 
> bindist.
>> It's not even possible to switch to selfupdate-point after switching to 
>> another one. Also, all of git's dependencies would need to be there too, and 
>> while I've drastically slimmed it down, it still has a handful. BTW, the 
>> slimmed-down git is now in stable as well as unstable to make it 
>> easier to get.
> I was thinking about ways around the git bootstrapping problem, and at first 
> glance, dulwich sounded like it would fit the bill. However, unless I'm 
> missing something, the dulwich clone subcommand just clones the history, but 
> doesn't check out the files. I dunno, bootstrapping with selfupdate-rsync or 
> GitHub's SVN interface isn't the end of the world... it's a one-time 
> performance hit.
> What else is needed for the Git selfupdate capability to get into a new 
> release of the fink command itself? As Daniel mentioned, SF.net is looking to 
> drop CVS eventually, and it would be nice if we didn't have to scramble when 
> that happens.

I just thought of something that should have been obvious to me, but I guess I 
was still thinking in a CVS way. It would be really easy to remove trees other 
than 10.4 from the git working copy: just 'git rm' them. Duh. The full history 
would still be in the repo and could still be tracked with git log --follow but 
users wouldn't need to check them out. I can't do that with my copy of the repo 
since I'm still keeping it updated from cvs and deleting the files now would 
really confuse cvsimport, but there's no reason that we couldn't do that when 
we officially switch over.


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