On Wed, 16 Mar 2011 08:26:28 -0400, Charles Lepple  wrote:
Just ran selfupdate (version details at the end), and CVS rev 1.4 of
  > opensp5-shlibs.info yields this error message from an update-all:
  > $ fink update-all
  > Information about 11331 packages read in 1 seconds. 
  > Unable to resolve version conflict on multiple dependencies, for package
  > opensp-bin. 
  > Exiting with failure. 
  > $ fink list opensp
  > Information about 11331 packages read in 1 seconds. 
  >       opensp-bin                 1:1.5.2-3            SGML parser
  > programs
  >   p   opensp3                                         [virtual package]
  > (i)  opensp4                    1:1.5.1-1014         SGML parser library
  > (i)  opensp4-dev                1:1.5.1-1014         SGML parser library
  > (i)  opensp4-shlibs             1:1.5.1-1014         SGML parser library
Could you check what versions of these you *do* have installed? ('dpkg 
-l  opensp4                     opensp4-dev  opensp-shlibs') so I can 
see what the current dependency state is? There have been a bunch of 
releases lately and 'fink list' only tells us that 1:1.5.1-1014 is the 
newest available and that it's newer than the one that is currently 

Daniel Macks

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