On Fri, 22 Apr 2011 17:12:20 -0400, Daniel Macks  wrote:
We've long had xft2-dev and fontconfig2-dev keep their headers and 
libraries buried in subdirs so that they do not mask system (x11) 
supplied versions of those same packages. [...]
> Is it time to unbury these libraries?

Along the same "get out of the dark ages for probably no-longer-needed 
compatibility situations that cause their own problems", should we also 
scrap the static libs? X11 no longer ships them and keeping them 
entails having some sort of inherited build-depends (vs relying on dyld 
runtime linking). I vaguely remember some package or two checking for 
libFOO.{a,so} as a ./configure test, so scrapping .a would make that 
not work, but if it's hardcoded for "static or linux only" it's already 
a bit broken?


Daniel Macks

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