On 9/14/11 6:25 PM, Jean-François Mertens wrote:
> On 14 Sep 2011, at 22:44, David Fang wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been trying to build octave324 on i386-darwin10 now, and I think
>> I understand the cause of more ff2c-related failures.
>> On both darwin8 and darwin10, the Accelerate framework needs -ff2c for
>> the correct calling convention to system-atlas.
>> Any fink-built atlas (gfortran) will not need it.
>> So far, qrupdate and octave are both atlas-varianted.
>> arpack however is not, but I think it needs to be, even if it doesn't
>> link against atlas/lapack.  Since octave/qrupdate need to be
>> ff2c-consistent, so does arpack, but the current packaging doesn't
>> give the option to select ff2c or without.
>> What I propose is to variant-ify arpack so that non-fink-atlas is uses
>> -ff2c and is compatible with system-atlas variants, and -atlas omits
>> -ff2c to work properly with -atlas variants.
>> I think this will take care of funny errors we see with arpack
>> functionality, namely in eigenvalue-related parts of the packages and
>> their tests.
>> Any other fortran packages that eventually link to an atlas-varianted
>> package may need the same treatment.
>> Thoughts?
> Looks like a correct solution.
> Please try at the same time to avoid dynamic lookup in labarpack:
> in such a scheme, every symbol should link to the lib corresponding
> to its variant.
> JF

I've moved this discussion to fink-devel, since we're now at more of a
developer-level issue.

What's the best way to avoid dynamic lookup, given that the object files
are built via e.g.

/sw/bin/gfortran-fsf-4.6 -O -fPIC -fno-common -c znaitr.f

, the static library (which also shows a bunch of symbols that are
supposed to be looked up) is built up via commands like:

Making lib in /sw/src/fink.build/arpack-96patched-5/ARPACK/SRC
ar  rv /sw/src/fink.build/arpack-96patched-5/ARPACK/libarpack.a sgetv0.o
slaqrb.o sstqrb.o ssortc.o ssortr.o sstatn.o sstats.o snaitr.o snapps.o
snaup2.o snaupd.o snconv.o sneigh.o sngets.o ssaitr.o ssapps.o ssaup2.o
ssaupd.o ssconv.o sseigt.o ssgets.o sneupd.o sseupd.o ssesrt.o

, and the dylib is generated via:

( mkdir tmp )
( cd tmp; ar -x /sw/src/fink.build/arpack-96patched-5/ARPACK/libarpack.a )
( /sw/bin/gfortran-fsf-4.6 -O -fPIC -fno-common -dynamiclib
-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup -install_name /sw/lib/libarpack.0.dylib
-compatibility_version 1.0.0 -current_version 1.0.0 tmp/*.o -o
/sw/src/fink.build/arpack-96patched-5/ARPACK/libarpack.dylib )


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