On Mon, 03 Oct 2011 17:30:46 -0400, Alexander Hansen  wrote:
> On 9/30/11 8:06 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> > As most of you know, it can be a pain to test and roll packages
> > over to stable from unstable, particularly when they have huge
> > dependency trees. 
> > > I propose the following phased process:
> > > Phase 1: Since people have been testing packages (presumably)
> > before committing them to 10.7/stable, that tree is indeed  pretty
> > stable.  We'll start by moving all packages from 10.4/unstable to
> > 10.4/stable that have identical (or mostly identical) counterparts
> > in 10.7/stable.  Most importantly, we will _delete_ the
> > descriptions from 10.7/unstable. 
> > > As people continue to add packages to 10.7, they should move them
> > from 10.4/unstable to 10.4/stable if they're the same version. 
> > > In addition, we'll delete package descriptions from 10.4/unstable
> > that are identical to those in 10.4/stable. 
> > > Phase 2: Once Phase 1 is finished, we will announce a freeze on new
> > commits to 10.4/unstable, and we'll start rolling maintained
> > packages and their dependencies over to stable. 
> > > Once the freeze has been announced all updates should go to the
> > stable tree henceforth. 
> > > Phase 3: What should be left at this point is unmaintained packages
> > that nothing else needs.  We should test these and see (1) if they
> > still work, (2) if not, are there newer versions that work or can
> > easily be made to, and (3) if not, do we bother keeping the
> > packages.  In cases (1) or (2) we roll them to stable. 
> > > Any thoughts on this?
> I'll take that as a 'no', and we can go ahead and start Phase 1. 
> We are not currently freezing the CVS tree. 
> Maintainers should audit their packages in 10.4 and check for items
> that are identical in 10.4/stable and 10.4/unstable. 

I just did a full sweep of 10.4/unstable and (with the exception of a 
few corner cases) purged it of all .info that exactly matched the one 
in 10.4/stable (and also the parallel-named .patch if there was one for 
the in-sync .info). I did no testing at all, so if it *was* in stable 
and somehow broken, it still is just as broken, and I also didn't look 
at any changed .info, so if it was broken in stable and fixed in 
unstable or in 10.7 it's still that same way too. 


Daniel Macks

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
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