On Thu, 17 Nov 2011 20:35:05 -0500, Alexander Hansen 
<alexanderk.han...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/17/11 8:06 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> > > On Nov 17, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> > >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
> >> >> On 11/17/11 10:57 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> >>> On 11/17/11 9:07 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> >>>> On 11/17/11 12:54 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> >>> >>>>> I'd like to package svn-bisect for fink, I can't seem to
> >>>>> find any reference to it being in Fink anywhere. It relies
> >>>>> on the IO:All perl module, which I also don't find any
> >>>>> reference too. I'm not a perl person, so I could be blind
> >>>>> to some obvious things there. 
> >>> >>>>> http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-SVN-Bisect >>>>> 
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-All/
> >>> >>>>> .hc
> >>> >>> >>>> Indeed, those aren't currently in Fink.  They'd be
> >>> >>>> app-svn-bisect-pm io-all-pm
> >>> >>> >>> >>> Io:All just got added to Fink. 
> >> >> (oops, should have been Io::All)
> >> >> And App::SVN::Bisect has been added now, too. 
> > > > Wow, awesome, that was fast.  I think that since the utility is
> > called svn-bisect, the package should probably called that too. 
> > Something like the epydoc-py package.  It generates an epydoc-py26
> > and then uses update-alternatives to make an epydoc command in
> > /sw/bin.  I think this package should be svn-bisect-pm and then do
> > the same thing. 
> > > How does that sound?
> > > .hc
> > > Ah, I didn't know it was a utility. 
> If it doesn't generate a module that other packages use, then it's OK
> to give it a suffix other than pm, e.g. svn-bisect-perl. 
> You could also have it use Provides: svn-bisect, in case other
> packages down the road might need to Depend on it without caring about
> the Perl version.  As long as the Provides: is used responsibly, e.g. 
> not having a real "svn-bisect" package, too, this should be easier
> than having a list like: svn-bisect-perl588 | svn=bisect-perl5100

The svn-bisect utility program is indeed bundled with the 
App::SVN::Bisect module upstream and the module is also usable 
directly. I didn't realize the end goal was the utility, so when I 
packaged the module itself, the program got embedded in that package by 
default--*not* generating it, or generating it stand-alone separately 
and dependent on the module is harder than just letting it happen:) 
Install app-svn-bisect-pm5100 (or I any other variant, can't remember 
which others I set) and you automatically already have 
/sw/bin/svn-bisect. The Provides:svn-bisect trick or a bundle package 
are two ways to get an invariant name to allow easy dependencies on it. 
Depends (heh) how likely the module/program is to be changed and for 
others to need "a specific minimum version" for a certain feature 
rather than just accepting "any version of the command". 


Daniel Macks

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
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