On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 10:50:39 -0400, Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org> wrote:
On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 10:37:23 -0400, Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org> wrote:
> They each have:
> >
> > CompileScript: rsync -avr --exclude=dist ./ dist/
> >
> > which is a serious flaw. There is no guarantee that the builder 
> will > have network access. At least as importantly, it means a user 
> might > get a different ultimate package resuilt because the upstream 
> > server's contents could change. The whole aim of fink is to give > 
> reproducible results, which is why we even bother to have Version and 
> > Revision fields and checksums of the source and patchfiles. These > 
> packages need to fixed to encapsulate a specific snapshot of the > 
> files that would be downloaded. Looking further, there is also a sudo 
> command being run during InstallScript, which is not a valid thing to 
> do...no guarantee the build-machine will be attended and blocks all 
> sorts of scripted build processes. There are also chown 
> commands...seems inconsistent that one would need to sudo if one 
> already has the power to chown? But even better would be to do the 
> chown in PostInst, so that the whole build process can run in the 
> --build-as-nobody sandbox (a mechanism that prevents all sorts of 
> runaway root-user commands). 

My spies tell me that the rsync is safe. I flagged it because every 
time I tried to build (which failed for the other reasons stated) I saw 
network access. Stupid coincidences:( So "package is busted but not 
*that* way". 


Daniel Macks

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