On 6/22/2012 1:59 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> Any thoughts about moving dists/ over to github?
> Even though sourceforge isn't going to close down CVS access, it'd be
> nice to move to a more modern system.  Plus, for users behind firewalls,
> github allows files to be accessed via https--we're doing pretty much
> the best we can with proxy support for CVS, but sometimes that's still
> blocked.
> And for big updates, like a new OS version, I believe it's easier to
> handle a branch to do changes in git than in CVS (I'm not sure about
> that, though).

My git knowledge is very limited, but the following situation has arisen 
several times with the one git repo that I normally play with, and I 
could see the same issue arise very frequently if dists/ went to git:

If I modify a file locally, either as a quick test or because I want to 
modify something locally longer term but still get updates automatically 
from upstream as they happen, 'cvs up' has no problems updating the 
modified file (and keeping my changes) and only complains when my 
changes directly conflict with the update.

In git, however, a single change that is 1000 lines from the pulled 
updates stops 'git pull', and then I must either branch, stash, commit, 
or undo my changes before continuing. This makes updating the repo more 
difficult and much less automatic since I then have to either branch 
(and merge branches), or stash/update/unstash changes, etc every time 
there's a pull.

Is there a way to work around what seems to me to be a limitation in 
git? Buildworlds and dist-wide package roundups (like unstable->stable 
or multi-package dep upgrades) need a lot of overlapping local 
modifications and VCS-updating steps, and I stopped trying to do local 
fixes in the only non-Fink git repo I look at, because there simple 
local fixes kept getting in the way of easily merging upstream changes.


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