On 7/28/12 5:22 AM, Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:
> On 7/27/2012 6:57 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> +    echo "I am not overwriting this."
>> +    echo "You will need to edit $PREFIX/etc/passwd-fink manually"
>> +    echo "and set the UID entry for $FINK_PASSWD_USER to an unused"
>> +    echo "value."
> Since apparently numbers below 500 are now taken to be for Apple's use
> only, should the instructions say to pick a number above 600?  And maybe
> instructions on how to make sure that hand-picked number is not being
> used?  The command "dscl . -search /Users uid <ID_TO_USE>" outputs an
> entry if it exists (blank otherwise).
> Suggested rewording:
> ... and set the UID entry for $FINK_PASSWD_USER to an unused value above
> 600. Run the command
> dscl . -search /Users uid <VALUE_TO_TEST>
> to verify the value you chose is currently not in use.
> ******
> Since this command returns an empty value when unset, maybe we can write
> a perl script that starts searching at 600 until it finds an unset value
> and then output that as a possibility. This has the benefit of thinking
> ahead if we want to do automatic UID/GID assignment w/out manual file
> editing.

I'll see if I can do it in the existing shell script.

> Finally, may I also suggest:
> 1) modify passwd-core InstallScript as below.  This adds README to
> passwd-core so that split out passwd-* packages can have a file for
> their deb.  Needed if #2 below is done, otherwise it is just a nicety.
> InstallScript: <<
>  mkdir -p %i/etc %i/sbin %i/share/doc/%n
>  install -c -m 644 passwd-fink %i/etc/
>  install -c -m 644 group-fink %i/etc/
>  install -c -m 755 update-passwd %i/sbin/
>  install -c -m 644 README %i/share/doc/%n
> <<


> 2) move the passwd-* packages into individual files.  This way they can
> be updated individually when needed w/out affecting other passwd-users.
>  Once the backend is updated w/ whatever changes are deemed necessary,
> I'm happy to do the manual labor of doing the actual new .info file
> creation.

That sounds good.  I'll leave the prior version around.

> 3) Should passwd-dovecot be erased, or made obsolete like fink-bld was?

It should probably be made obsolete, yeah.  I just erased it because it
wasn't likely to be installed on 10.7 due to the lack of dovecot. :-)

On 10.5/10.6 we'll actually need to do some testing, since 10.5 lacks a
"_dovecot" user, and even on 10.6/10.7 there's not a "dovecot" alias
that points to "_dovecot" (however DirectoryServices handles that).

> Last note: the attached passwd-core.patch file includes an already
> parsed passwd-fink, as well as passwd-fink.in that is needed (where
> dovecot is not commented out).
> Hanspeter


Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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