It looks like there is a collision between the two libgeotiff versions in the 
10.[4-6] tree for fink.  I tried just moving the csv stuff to shared lib, but 
it's clear that a little more work needs to get done to make one of the two 
packages put these share files in a slightly different tree.


Selecting previously deselected package libgeotiff-shlibs.
(Reading database ... 287769 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libgeotiff-shlibs 1.2.5-6 (using 
.../libgeotiff-shlibs_1.2.5-6_darwin-i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libgeotiff-shlibs ...
/sw32/bin/dpkg: error processing 
 trying to overwrite `/sw32/share/epsg_csv/alias.csv', which is also in package 
/sw32/bin/dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
### execution of /sw32/bin/dpkg-lockwait failed, exit code 1
Updating the list of locally available binary packages.
Scanning dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-i386
Changed package: 
Changed package: 
Failed: can't install package libgeotiff-shlibs-1.2.5-6

fink list libgeotiff
Information about 12666 packages read in 1 seconds.
     libgeotiff                 1.2.5-6              GeoTIFF handling library
 i   libgeotiff-shlibs          1.2.5-6              Shared libraries for 
libgeotiff package
     libgeotiff2                1.4.0-3              GeoTIFF handling library
     libgeotiff2-bin            1.4.0-3              Binary for libgeotiff 
 i   libgeotiff2-shlibs         1.4.0-3              Shared libraries for 
libgeotiff package

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