On 9/20/2013 5:58 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> On Sep 20, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:
>>> RuntimeVars: PYTHONPATH: %p/Library/Python/%type_raw[python]/site-packages
>> Won't this break anything else that has already set PYTHONPATH?  At
>> least, you'll probably want to append or prepend to the existing value
>> rather than over writing.  And how will fink-python using pymods react
>> to being forced to search in %p/Library/Python?
> So far this has been working for what I have be doing (just today).  These 
> are all things I'm not aware of.  What do you propose?  Should I just append 
> $PYTHONPATH ?  Like:
> RuntimeVars: PYTHONPATH: 
> %p/Library/Python/%type_raw[python]/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

As danielj mentioned, this will break.  Unfortunately, it snuck through 
for you because of two faults in the validator: 1) validator doesn't do 
% expansion before checking a .info, and 2) Library/Python was not added 
to the validator when it became a legal path.

I've written a patch that should deal with #2, but #1 will have to be 
dealt with separately since it's a much bigger overall issue.



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