On 12/20/13 8:47 PM, Kevin Ingwersen wrote:
> Hello there.
> I am building a package manager myself, and will probably create a wrapper 
> over Fink as well. But as I really like using APT on my Debian server to 
> maintain my version of PHP there, I thought about using apt and dpkg 
> internally of my own manager. But - whatever I type int google, I can’t seem 
> to find a way to obtain a clean source of APT that’d probably work on Mac and 
> Linux, possibly Windows too.
> Can anybody point me to a source tarball that I could utilize for that 
> purpose?
> I mainly need .deb handling, and parsing the information files provided by 
> these - as well as using sources.list and such. The basic APT and DPKG 
> functionality.
> Kind regards, Ingwie

We originally got apt/dpkg (ours are currently outdated, but we're 
thinking about an update) from the Debian sources.  We then have to 
patch them like mad because they are intended for Debian and similar 
Linux distributions and not for other operating systems like OS X or 

I don't have a URL handy for the current Debian archives because our apt 
and dpkg are outdated and we have to host our own copies, but I know 
they have an extensive set of mirrors all over the world.  I'd start 
with the Debian homepage.
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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