On 12/20/13 10:08 PM, Kevin Ingwersen wrote:
> Hey.
> I just saw that there is a 0.9 release, targeting very old OS X versions. How 
> could one create a binary package for such redistribution? I have a pretty 
> blank distribution right here.
> Kind regards, Ingwie

In the past we've done the following:

1)  Build most of the available packages in the stable tree for a 
particular distribution for supported architectures and host them to a 
server.  There are a couple of somewhat automated tools that folks use 
to do that.  We stopped providing binaries in part because we were 
mostly relying on one particular developer to be able to take a machine 
down for a period of several days to build the packages and upload them 
to our main server, and it got to be too much effort.

2)  Create the actual installer.  This has historically been problematic 
for reasons I don't completely understand--the changes seemed never to 
be trivial.  The installer script sources are stored at


Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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