the new apache 2.4 in my exp has helper scripts for everything, it’s much much 
better honestly, hopefully se can add it to fink soonish, though my dpkg branch 
has pretty much lost all stream, and have caused me to loose steam on it again.
Life begins and ends with chaos, live between the chaos!

On May 6, 2014, at 5:55 PM, Jack Howarth <> wrote:

> Justin,
>         I need to get a glassfish4 application server package into fink. My 
> current packaging is based on the homebrew installation approach and is 
> attached. It requires the command…
> asadmin start-domain
> to be executed as sudo so that the
> /sw/opt/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log
> and other files can be written. There is a description of configuring 
> glassfish4 as a glassfish user at…
> Since you maintain the apache2 package, I was hoping you might have some 
> advice on how we can modify my existing packaging to use a glassfish user 
> under fink.
>               Jack
> ps The glassfish4 quick start guide can be obtained from
> pps I have a profile.d appending the PATH ala homebrew. If you try to execute 
> asadmin via a symlink in /sw/bin, the program will fail as it tries to find 
> the glassfish4 configuration files relative to the bin path where asadmin was 
> started.
> <>

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