On 9/11/2014 4:50 PM, Dustin Howett wrote:
> Hey!
> Sorry about all the trouble; I'm not particularly knowledgeable about the
> fink packaging best practices.
> Matthias has been advising me in this regard, but I do tend to come up with
> creative non-solutions to problems that are better fixed elsewhere.
> The scripts generally work around build system deficiencies that would
> probably be better fixed upstream.
> The reason for the /tmp dance is that Theos, the build system
> aforementioned, likes to trash its staging/destination directory before it
> puts together a sysroot (as it's designed more for building Debian packages
> than installing onto a live system.)
> I'll put together a more comprehensive fix for these issues. Mind if I run
> it by you on this thread? Thanks.

Sure.  Either here or on the fink submissions tracker: 


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