On 9/26/14, 4:55 AM, Scott Hannahs wrote:
> Fink wizards,
> I am doing a clean fink install on a Mac OS X 10.9.5 system.  It works fine 
> up until GhostScript is attempted.   The log is below and seems to imply that 
> there is an inconsistent dependency?
> I tried the suggested fixes, but no joy.
> It looks like my attempt to install octave requires epstool, but I am not 
> sure why now installing ghostscript requires epstool.  Nor do I understand 
> why ghostscript requiring epstool requiring ghostscript is not satisfied by 
> installing ghostscript.
> It appears to my simple understanding that only octave depends on epstool.
> -Scott
>> % /sw/bin/fink install ghostscript-nox
>> Information about 9737 packages read in 1 seconds.
>> The package 'ghostscript-nox' will be installed.
>> Reading dependency for ghostscript-nox-9.14-1...
>> Reading runtime dependency for ghostscript-nox-9.14-1...
>> The following package will be installed or updated:
>>   ghostscript-nox
>> Reading buildlock packages...
>>      All buildlocks accounted for.
>> While trying to install:
>>    ghostscript-nox-9.14-1
>> The following inconsistencies found:
>>    Unsatisfied dependency in epstool: ghostscript
>> Trying to resolve dependencies...
>> Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies!
>> Fink isn't sure how to install the above packages safely. You may be able to 
>> fix things by running:
>>    fink scanpackages
>>    sudo apt-get update
>>    sudo apt-get install ghostscript-nox=9.14-1
>> Failed: Fink::SysState: Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies

The problem is much simpler than that:  epstool wants ghostscript and 
*not* ghostscript-nox.  There's probably no reason it can't use 
ghostscript-nox; at the time when I inherited the epstool package 
ghostscript-nox was set up to provide 'ghostscript', and a number of 
packages, epstool probably included, relied on that.

However, having real packages provide other real packages wasn't really 
the intent of Debian's Provides system, so this was discontinued (even 
the more accurate "ghostscript provides ghostscript-nox" doesn't quite 
cut it).  And since epstool wasn't being updated upstream, it didn't get 
a dependency refresh.

I just put out an epstool-3.08-2 which lifts the restriction.

By the way, I've got working packaging for Octave-3.8.2; it's not in 
Fink yet because I'm refactoring how the Octave Forge packages build, 
and that requires changing all of them.  If you'd like to try it out, 
the relevant .info and .patch files are in

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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