I jumped the gun on deprecating libdap9 after putting out an update to 
libnc-dap3 which uses libdap11 instead.  I’ve done a quickie test of an update 
to scientificpython-py27 which is slightly modified to deal with 
libdap11—specifically its private directory structure.  

I’ve attached the modified .info file.  If there aren’t any problems with it (I 
didn’t have a way to do a runtime test), then one of us can commit it.

I’m very sorry about the rush—I had honestly thought that we’d closed down all 
of the libdap9 users.  I guess there’s some consolation in the fact that most 
of the packages I broke were mine. :-\
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

Attachment: scientificpython-py.info
Description: Binary data

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