On 2/5/2015 9:10 PM, Jack Howarth wrote:
> Hanspeter,
>        Have you considered changing the BuildDepends on
> wxgtk2.8-py27-dev and Depends on wxgtk2.8-py27 in libkate1-shlibs to
> wxpython300-py27-dev and wxpython300-py27? Since qt4-mac, rather than
> the nonexistent qt4-x11, is used for our KDE packages, the cocoa-based
> wxpython seems to make more sense. Note that the wxwidgets300-osxcocoa
> and  wxgtk2.8 packages can co-exist but not the wxpython (
> wxgtk2.8-py27 vs  wxpython300-py27) ones. So migrating everything from
> wxgtk2.8-py to wxpython300-py will be desirable (especially as
> upstream wxpython has abandoned support for a gtk-based build on OS
> X).

libkate has nothing to do with KDE and doesn't care what UI toolkit it 
is using.  It is a graphics codec.

Anyways, updating libkate1 to use wxpython300-py27 causes a deadlock and 
following the instructions at the end causes libkate1 to actually be 
uninstalled, *including* packages that depend on it. That's beyond 

The following package will be installed or updated:
The following 2 additional packages will be installed:
  wxpython300-py27 wxpython300-py27-dev
Default answer will be chosen in 60 seconds...
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
Reading buildlock packages...
        All buildlocks accounted for.

While trying to install:

The following inconsistencies found:
   Unsatisfied dependency in libkate1-shlibs: wxgtk2.8-py27

Trying to resolve dependencies...
Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies!

Fink isn't sure how to install the above packages safely. You may be 
able to fix things by running:

   fink scanpackages
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get install wxpython300-py27-dev= 

Failed: Fink::SysState: Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies


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