> captain-10.9-libc++ isn’t going to work because we haven’t populated
> the 10.9-libcxx distribution yet.
> The way things are going for me right now, I don’t know if I’m ever going to
> have time to do that before El Capitan is released. 
> Somebody else needs to step up.
> —Alexander

I have good news & bad news. First, I switched back to "TheCaptain"
branch, and answered NO to using binary distributions.

The bad news:
There were 'infinitely recursive' directories in /sw/src/fink.build/tar_1.26-4
(similarly later when I installed coreutils). Those are a bear to remove, but
I finally managed...

The good news:
The bootstrap succeeded without error! I ran into another issue installing
coreutils, regarding a missing dependency on help2man. I had to modify 
/sw/fink/10.11/stable/main/finkinfo/devel/help2man-perl.info to add the
10.11 distribution. It now reads:

Distribution: <<
  (%type_pkg[custom] = 5123) 10.7,
  (%type_pkg[custom] = 5124) 10.8,
  (%type_pkg[custom] = 5162) 10.9,
  (%type_pkg[custom] = 5182) 10.10,
  (%type_pkg[custom] = 5182) 10.11

I'm not sure Perl 5182 is correct, but that worked. More to come...

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