I have a question and maybe an issue for the fink cognoscenti.

I maintain a package (duplicity) for doing encrypted backups that has an 
extensive testing phase.  That testing phase is failing under fink.  However 
during that testing, the routines unpack a tar.gz file to create a directory 
structure for backing up and restoring.

In looking at the files, they seem to have the user/group ownership of the tar 
file and not fink-bld.  I find several other files such as byte compiled python 
files to have ownership as root and not as fink-bld.  There are a couple of 
test scripts that end up as fink-bld as the owner but wheel as the group.

If the testing phase were executed as root, then it would unpack the tar file 
as the original owner and not use fink-bld as the owner.  If the following 
command is done:
sudo -u fink-bld tar xzf testfiles.tar.gz

Then it will unpack the files as the correct owner/group for testing.  But of 
course the distributed test script does not hardwire in a fink-bld user for 

Is this a fink issue?   I was just trying to get my updated package to pass the 
testing phase.


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