
I am almost sure that /sw/fink/debs/ has to be copied, as well (or the 
links have to be set manually).

I know from my own experience that this directory is a kind of a 
reference for fink. Without the links, fink starts to build the packages 
again, although the debs are in the dists directory.


On Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 07:33 , Derek Homeier wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 03:40 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:
>> sudo rsync -az -e ssh /sw othermachine:/
>> There are some more caveats: Some packages need to run postinstall
>> scripts. Some are installing stuff outside /sw (the xfree packages, of
>> course; also g77; and anything that uses daemonic, most notably
>> openssh). And if your /sw is not /sw but for example a symlink, the 
>> real
>> path may be hardcoded somewhere if you are not careful. So you may
>> expect some more or less subtle breakage. Nothing that can't be
>> repaired, usually by a "fink reinstall" or else "fink rebuild", but be
>> warned. I have done it twice, it's possible but maybe not completely 
>> painless.
> An alternative were to install the base system and copy over the 
> /fink/dists tree from your existing installation, then fink should just 
> use your local .deb files for setting up the other packages.
>                                               Derek
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