Max Horn wrote:

> So right now there is no "official" way to clean up your system. I
> have in my head a sketch for a simple command that will remove all
> unused source files. Removing all "unused" .deb files is a bit more
> tricky since it depends on how exactly you'd define "unused". E.g. do
> you want to remove all .deb files for packages that are not
> installed? I wouldn't like that, but maybe others do. Or, something
> I'd prefer, remove all .deb's for which there is a newer version
> around. Whatever, it has to be implemented first :)

Since this is not something one does every day, it's probably not very
important to have Fink do it automatically. One can do something like
the following on the command line:
fink scanpackages |& grep "ignored data" | awk '{print $8}' 

This gives a list of all .debs where a newer version exists. One can
pipe this through 'xargs sudo rm' to remove them all, or save the list
in a file, remove those one wants to keep (like automake-1.4-p5 or
qt-2.3.1, as long as there are no automake14 and qt2 packages available)
and then pipe the listing of this file through xargs rm.

Another thing to do then is to clean up the symlink list in
/sw/fink/debs. This does not free a lot of space, I just don't like to
have hundreds of broken symlinks sitting around. In bash, one can say
something like

for DEB in /sw/fink/debs/*.deb ; do (file $DEB |grep broken) && sudo rm
$DEB; done


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