At 11:21 Uhr -0500 01.02.2002, Stephen R. Anderson wrote:
>A while ago I had a disk failure through which I lost several months 
>worth of stuff in my home directory. Since then, if I try to run 
>"fink selfupdate", what I get is the following:
>>Your Fink installation is set up to update package descriptions 
>>directly from CVS. Do you want to use this setup and update now? 
>>I will now run the cvs command to retrieve the latest package 
>>discriptions. The "su" command will be used to run the cvs command 
>>as the user "sra". After that, the core packages will be updated 
>>right away; you should then update the other packages using 
>>commands like 'fink update-all'.
>>su sra -c cvs -z3 -d -P
>>cvs update: could not open directly /Users/sra/.cvspass: No such 
>>file or directory
>>cvs [update aborted]: use "cvs login" to log in first
>>### su failed, exit code 1
>>Failed: Updating using CVS failed. Check the error messages above.
>The reason for this is presumably the fact that I had installed fink 
>with cvs update during the period for which my home directory is now 
>unrecoverable, including magic incantations to cvs.
>How do I recover from this state? Apparently I can't just re-install 
>the current version of fink over my existing installation. Since my 
>/sw tree is still intact, and I don't want to rebuild all of that 
>stuff except where it's been updated, I don't want to start over 
>from scratch. What can I do?

Try this command:

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/fink login

Then just press Return when it asks you for your password. 
Afterwards, selfupdate should work again, I hope.

Max Horn
Software Developer

email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
phone: (+49) 6151-494890

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