Neil and the Group.....

Despite many hours of trying, restarting, deleting, resurrecting, and 
reinstalling, I cannot get wxgtk -- and therefore my real objective, 
wxpython-wxgtk -- to install on my OS X setup. I'm about to simply give 
this up as a bad dream.

The most recent advice I got here was to upgrade to the 10.1.3 
development tool suite. I did that. Then I checked to make sure the 
xfree86 stuff was all in place by attempting to install it, and Fink 
properly reported all was current.

So I entered the following instruction, per Neil's note of Feb. 23:

fink install wxgtk wxpython-wxgtk

Some 30 minutes later, I find an error message in my Terminal window the 
last lines of which are:

make: *** [lib/libwx_gtk-2.3.dylib.1.0.0] Error 1
### (cd failed, exit code 2
Failed: installing wxgtk-2.3.2.-2 failed

The 17 immediately preceding lines before this error look the same 
except for the file name involved. Here are the last three:

c++: truetype.o:  No such file or directory
c++: type1x.o: No such file or directory
c++: winfnt.o: No such file or directory

While parsing through humongously long Unix commands is not my forte, I 
_think_ the command that causes the breakdown is:

c++ -dynamiclilb -init _wxWindowsDyLibInit -o lib/libgwx_gtk-2.3.dylib.1.1.0

followed by a very long list of .o file names, including all 17 of those 
that failed.

I really want to believe that Fink will work here and that I can 
actually eventually get wxpython working on my OS X setup. But maybe 
it's just a fantasy?

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