This brings up an interesting point. Many of these programs (not the one you
listed here but the ones on the web site) are only marginally stable on
their native platform (in most cases Linux). So what's your definition of
stable as far as Fink is concerned? Mine would be that the software runs as
well on MacOS X as it does on Linux or *BSD or wherever else its been

On 3/17/02 1:09 PM, "Max Horn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Fink user,
> we, the Fink team, would like to make a new full Fink release in the
> near future. For this, we'd like to move as many package to stable as
> possible. But to be able to do so, we need *your* help! Under
>, you can find a long list
> of packages which are in unstable, but not yet in stable. And it's a
> long list (over 550 packages).
> Please, look through this list. If you see packages you are using
> succesfully, please report them to the package maintainer, so that he
> can decide to move that package to stable. You can find out the email
> address of the maintainer by clicking on the link for each package;
> or alternatively, you can enter "fink info PACKAGE" to see the
> maintainer of any given package.
> Some package that would especially important to see in stable (so
> look for those first):
> aalib
> apache
> bash
> db3 / db3-bin / db3-doc / db3-shlibs
> db4 / db4-bin / db4-doc / db4-shlibs
> freetype2 / freetype2-shlibs
> gimp
> glib / glib-shlibs
> all gnome packages
> libmpeg
> mysql
> orbit
> qt3
> xfree86-base 4.2.0-4 and xfree86-rootless 4.2.0-2
> But don't limit yourself to these, *any* package is important! Just
> remember, Fink is a group effort. We can't do without your help!
> Thank you for helping,
> Max Horn
> Fink Lead Developer
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