This is a problem with the default window manger (twm) that comes with
Xdarwin.  You'll need to install a different window manager and set your
system up to run it.  Check out

for more information.  'fink list | grep anager' will give you a list of
window managers you can install (as well as some other tools with the name
manager in the description--you want packages that say 'window manager').

Another good option for a window manager is OroborOSX.  It basically works
like a standard double-clickable Mac application, runs rootless so that you
have easy access to other applications, and also has controls in the Mac
menu bar.  Check out

On 3/19/02 13:33, "Wizard Consulting" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi - 
> Thanks to everyone, especially Chris Devers, for all your helpful
> suggestions & comments. I successfully got X (Xdarwin1.0.6.1) and gimp up
> and running.
> I noticed that once I loaded Xdarwin and opened up gimp, that I could not
> move any of the windows or floating pallettes, only open or close them.
> Is this behaviour specific to gimp, or is it normal X-Windows behaviour?
> Can it be changed so I can move them?
> Thanks,

Alexander K. Hansen
Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University
Levitated Dipole Experiment
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, 175 Albany Street, NW17-219
Cambridge, MA  02139-4213
Phone:    617-252-1818    Fax:    208-988-4057

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