Hey Guys,

I am very new to Mac OS (Apple over all) and obviously to FINK, too! I have
a PowerBook for 2 Weeks now and I will never touch a Windoze machine anymore
at home .... :-)

I've downloaded FINK and tried to install the GIMP over FINK (I have XFree86
4.2 and OroborOSX 0.75 installed manually). After I have selected the
necessary packages FINK loaded the packages. Some packages did compile but
at some point I got a parse error in the file /sw/var/lib/dpkg/available
(near line 1610) the field name 'full' needs a colon (or so...).

I modified the the file, and put a '_' in front of the full (it seemed to be
a package description). But after that, nearly the same error occured on
another line.

I thought, I could resolve this problem by updating FINK to the most recent
version and did a 

Root# fink selfupdate

But after that, I receive the rather same error message:

dpkg -i 
dpkg: parse error, in file `/sw/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1007
package `ant':
 field name `ach' must be followed by colon
### dpkg failed, exit code 2
Failed: can't install package fink-0.9.11-1

My question: how can I update the /sw/var/lib/dpkg/available file. I have
the feeling, I broke it myself (since there are some strange line breaks).

Sorry for this long posting and
Many thanks in advance!


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