>How did you install this version? Did you use the binary installer?
>dselect? apt-get? cvs? or fink selfupdate? Something must have gone
>wrong. How to correct it depends on the method you used for installing
>in the first place.

I think I originally installed the binary and the last few versions 
arrived via fink selfupdate.

>One way to get at least the right version of the package manager is to
>copy the info file directly from the server at 
>(this is a very small text file) and copy it into your
>/sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo directory. fink update fink *must*
>then pick this version up.

Fink is happy now and reporting 0.9.11

I think the best part about fink is everyone's willingness to help out!

Many thanks!
=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
  Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer        It must be bunnies!
  Opinions for hire              [POQ]
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         fnord

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