Thomas Peters II wrote:
> > mv /sw/src/root-freetype2-2.0.8-4/sw/lib/libfreetype.6*dylib
> > /sw/src/root-freetype2-shlibs-2.0.8-4/sw/lib
> > usage: mv [-fi] source target
> >        mv [-fi] source ... directory
> > ### mv failed, exit code 1

This means the libfreetype.6*dylib files either have not been created at
all or they were not installed in the right place. You should look
earlier into your build output where it talks about these files.

There should be something like

cc -dynamiclib -flat_namespace 
[looong output line shortened]
install_name  /sw/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib -compatibility_version 9 
-current_version 9.0

and then

/usr/bin/install -c

Do you get an error message at these places? 


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