Pan won't load... wouldn't in 10.1, won't now in Jag after rebuild
same reason:

** (pan:27632): WARNING **: Couldn't load font "Sans 10" falling back 
to "Sans 10"
** (pan:27632): WARNING **: Couldn't load font "Sans 10" falling back 
to "Sans 10"
** (pan:27632): WARNING **: All font failbacks failed!!!!

I even have some nice fonts loaded with xfontpath
and all my other programs use them

what does Pan want?

How can I search the net for a font called "Sans" 10?
half the fonts out there are sans-serif

How can I search the net for songs by the band "Live"?
every band plays live and has live tracks

I've looked everywhere including Pan's own website
and I can't find what this program wants in order function.


I believe it's missing some meaningful preferences
but no useful documentation about a config file was included

lenny bruce                        I am not a comedian,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      I am Lenny Bruce.

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