How do I point to experimental packages with fink?  Or do I just checkout
manually from CVS? 

It should be safe.  My colleague Carl Worth found out about it from Keith
Packard (who is on the core XFree86 team and uses ccache all of the time).
There could be bugs, but it is very unlikely that you would get a bogus
object file.  Basically, it md5sums cat of cc command line arguments and
preprocessor output (including warnings), so include files aren't a problem.
I definitely noticed an improvement the second time I built gnome.  I have a
667 PowerBook G4 with 48G, so am short on CPU speed (compared to desktop)
and long on disk space.  You can set cache size, but I won't bother for a

This link is:  There was a script version before
this that has a better faq that describes the techniques uses.


On 9/4/02 7:52 PM, "Ben Hines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday, September 4, 2002, at 04:23  PM, Brian Schott wrote:
>> A co-worker recently told me about a cool utility called ccache.  It
>> is a cc
> Wow that's pretty cool. It seems to work. I made a fink package for it
> which I have put in my experimental directory,
> experimental/benh57/finkinfo/test
> Does anyone anticipate problems with this? Do you think it would be
> safe to put in fink?..
> -Ben

Brian Schott, Project Leader             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
USC Information Sciences Institute            ph:703-812-3722
3811 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 200           fx:703-812-3712
Arlington, VA 22203

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