Hi there,

>>Is there even some work going on to unite the efforts? To create the
>>ultimate of what's possible?
>Dunno, we were never contacted by them, the main reason we knew about
>them in advance is that some of us are also active in the OpenDarwin

Well, if they didn't publish an analyses about the weaknesses of 
other systems, perhaps we could ask for it?

I don't know much about the living practice in OpenSource 
Development, but if they didn't do the contact first, why shouldn't 
we do it? Or is this not a good thing because this is the older 
project and they started afterwards?

I mean, if you would like to unite efforts (I would think that as a 
good thing) wouldn't this rock?

Well, I certainly would love to be some sort of ambassador to them 
but I couldn't speak for the Fink project, so this would be a bad 

Just dreaming aloud, but tell me what you think about this!

cu Martin
[ot]coder - hehe

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