On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 12:33:18PM -0500, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 11:29, Josh Kuperman wrote: 
> KDE works OK--I built some components against the Apple X and it looks
> fine. 

Well then wouldn't I have to remove what I have and reinstall in order
for it to use the Apple stuff with the system-xfree86 placeholder.

> > [blah blah blah]

> What do you mean by "use the KDE setup"? 
I meant have kde be the window manager. Though now that I found the
X11 app and got it to start up I think I stick with the quartz-wm for
a while.

> In your .xinitrc you should call "quartz-wm" instead of twm, if you want
> to run Apple X. 

I had been taking advantage of some of kde's features and games and
its bar and multiple workspaces. I don't know whats available but if
X11 apps are using the Aqua interface as they seem to I might be all set..
My current .xinitrc seems to consist of this (with all comment lines removed)

source /sw/bin/init.sh
exec quartz-wm

> Try 'touch /Users/josh/.Xauthority' to create this file.

Remarkably, with this file added and starting from the x11 app, now in
the doc it seems to work. I will test further. But it's neat - I'm impressed.

Josh Kuperman

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