FreeCiv was never installed, the compilation process stopped before it got
that far. I haven't touched Fink since then for fear of breaking something
I just tried removing the audiofile package, but cant. Whether I use remove
from the Source menu or from the Binary menu I just get the message

The tool that FinkCommander uses to run commands as root does not have the
necessary permissions.
By entering your password you will give the tool the authorization it needs
to repair itself.
Under some circumstances you may need to enter your password twice.

Self-repair succeeded.  Please re-try your command.

and a system beep. (The first time I had to enter my password twice.)

Then I tried installing ghostscript by selecting it then choosing Install
from the Source menu, but the same happened: two passwords, that message,
and a beep.

> If you removed freeciv using "fink remove freeciv" and no errors were
> reported, then all traces should have been removed. As for safely
> installing software, you should be safe if you keep to the stable tree,
> and there is a stable version of ghostscript. Did you have the stable
> or unstable version of freeciv installed?
> On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 12:26  PM, Richard Barraclough wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I posted a few days ago because my Mac was not booting after a botched
>> installation of freeCiv. The problem was a corrupt
>> /Library/Preferences/
>> file. Logging in from another machine via ssh and removing this file
>> fixed
>> the problem.
>> (Guess it serves me right for trying to install a game!)
>> I now want to know how to _safely_ remove the entrails of freeCiv. I'm
>> using
>> Fink Commander 0.5.0. Here's what's installed at the moment.
>> I'd also like to know how to _safely_ install software, since I could
>> really
>> do with ghostscript.
>> Thanks,
>> Richard Barraclough.
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