Hi all,
I'm having trouble getting postgresql-python to work. Has anyone been able to install it? Seems it can't find the _pg module, and I noticed that I have a _pgmodule.dylib and NOT a _pgmodule.so in my python/site-packages directory.
Here's the error message I get in the python interpreter.

>>> import pg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/sw/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pg.py", line 8, in ?
    from _pg import *
ImportError: No module named _pg

I don't know what's going on, but there was an earlier thread discussing problems installing postgresql-tcl (see below)

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----
From: Benjamin Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun Dec 15, 2002 7:39:16 PM America/Los_Angeles
Subject: Re: [Fink-users] postgresql-tcl fails to install

On Sunday, December 15, 2002, at 04:52 PM, jfm wrote:
Sorry: but I had there :

cc -dynamiclib -L/sw/lib -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -o pltcl.dylib pltcl.o -L/sw/lib -ltcl8.3

so, probably due to changes in /sw/lib/tclConfig.sh between versions 8.3 and 8.4 of tcltk

Yeah, it appears that sometime recently, tclConfig.sh started creating dylib files instead of .so files.

The postgresql makefile hacks I made basically decide whether to make a dylib or bundle depending on the file extension (easiest way to do it without rewriting large bits of their make system :P)

So now that it's making a dylib, it's not adding undefined suppress and flat_namespace.

I'll have to figure out how to make it play nicely. The problem is it appears most of the settings in the postgresql makefile don't do anything, because tclConfig.sh has it's own link line that doesn't end up including postgresql's flags.

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