Having installed fileutils, I tried to set up ls to use colors.  On other
Linux and SGI boxes, I use the following line in my .login:

eval `dircolors $HOME/.dircolors`

".dircolors" was obtained by using "dircolors -p > .dircolors"

This has worked on all the other OSes.  But with OS X, I get the following

Unknown colorls variable `do'.

I traced this down to the following line in the .dircolors file (obtained
from the built in database):

DOOR 01;35      # door

I'm not sure what a DOOR file type is (it's next to DIRs, LINKs, and
SOCKs, so it's some sort of special file), but it seems that dircolors as
compiled out of the box on OS X doesn't know what to do about DOORs and it
breaks.  Commenting out the DOOR line gets rid of the error.  It's an easy
patch to comment out the line during compilation (in
fileutils-4.1/src/dircolors.h and/or dircolors.hin).  Do DOORs just not
exist in OS X leading to the error, or is dircolors missing something when
compiled on OS X to make it understand DOORs?


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