Alexander K. Hansen wrote:

The Fink Commander PATH should also start with


It looks like Fink Commander put in spaces instead of "/sw" at the
beginning.  The script did do its job, because the PATH is correct as shown
in the Terminal--there may be something subtle going on that caused Fink
Commander not to have the correct PATH.

This is the first time that I've seen this behavior.

I have a possible explanation (I may be wrong, please don't believe this unless confirmed by others):

When FinkCommander is run before Fink is installed (or if it doesn't find a readable fink.conf file), it says something like "unable to find Fink installation", and it shows this funny PATH in its Preferences where /sw is replaced by a space. Upon quitting FinkCommander, it then writes this PATH into its Preferences file. When it is launched the next time, it apparently does not check the fink base path again, but it takes the one from the Preferences file.

So this problem will appear for people who are installing Fink and Finkcommander and who try FinkCommander before installing Fink.

While this may be considered a bug in FC, the remedy is easy: Either fix the PATH manually in the Preferences menu, or remove the Preferences file ~/Library/Preferences/com.sburrious.finkcommander.plist
before restarting FinkCommander.
From: Matthew O. Rowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is what my path is in commander:
 /bin: /sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin

And terminal:
[Matthew-Mac1:~] morowe% printenv PATH


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