Le mardi, 30 sep 2003, à 09:13 Europe/Paris, Michèle Garoche a écrit :

Le lundi, 29 sep 2003, à 19:34 Europe/Paris, Peter Lichtner a écrit :

I get an error attempting to run selfupdate-cvs:

[gravenstein:~] lichtner% fink selfupdate-cvs
sudo /sw/bin/fink  selfupdate-cvs
execution of su failed, exit code 2
Failed: Logging into the CVS server for anonymous read-only access failed.

Same problem here with fink --version:
Package manager version: 0.13.2
Distribution version: 0.5.3

Unable to update fink itself.
Apparently this replaces the old message "cvs error...". The problem is that it uses between 85.3 and 98.1% of CPU usage and that I have to kill the last involved process to get access to the message, then kill the second process . And then retry fink selfupdate-cvs till the server is available. I'll guess that based of the CPU usage I can decide if it takes a long time to get access to the server or if the process is stalled, not sure though.

ps -aux
mylogin 28162 98.1 9.2 178704 96760 p1 R+ 9:03AM 3:16.59 cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/fi......
mylogin 28124 0.0 0.3 4388 3288 p1 S+ 9:02AM 0:00.36 perl -w /sw/bin/fink selfupdate-cvs
root 28128 0.0 0.3 4536 3496 p1 S+ 9:02AM 0:00.80 perl -w /sw/bin/fink selfupdate-cvs
root 28138 0.0 0.1 13936 588 p1 S+ 9:03AM 0:00.44 su mylogin -c cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mylogin 28139 0.0 0.1 5872 636 p1 S+ 9:03AM 0:00.08 -su -c cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs

Michèle <http://micmacfr.homeunix.org/>

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