D. Höhn
Schwarzenbergplatz 8/8
A-1030 Vienna

Vienna, 13. October 2003 - The Fink project is proud to announce the availability of a new update method for its package manager.
Starting with version 0.14.0 of the Fink package manager it is now possible to upgrade info files using the rsync protocol.

This step has become necessary to alleviate the problems which have been so prominent over the last couple of month with the selfupdate-cvs method.

Instructions how to switch to the now preferred method of using rsync to update your package description files can be found here:


The new package manager binary an support files can be downloaded here:
or here:

Use tar xfz to unpack the tarball, then cd into the directory it creates, and run the command ./inject.pl

That should install the latest package manager. After it is installed, running the command fink selfupdate-rsync will switch you to the new method. Once you have switched, you can do subsequent updates with the simple command fink selfupdate

We would also like to bring to your attention that the selfupdate-cvs method is now deprecated and will slowly be phased out for anonymous CVS access. This means that you should switch to the new method as soon as possible, at your convenience.

Fink package managers starting with version 0.14.0 are now also capable of supporting the Gnu Compiler 3.3
This means that Fink is now finally compatible with with last summer's Developer Tools updates. After installing both the new package manager and the Developer Tools update, fink will ask you to reset your gcc version whenever that is necessary.

Please note that fink-0.14.3-beta.tar.gz has also rsync capabilities but the -beta is for
users who are willing to help the Fink team test our full conversion to
the gcc 3.3 compiler. It *requires* the new Developer Tools. Users who install the -beta will need to recompile
a number of their fink packages, and they may find that some of the
packages from the unstable tree are not yet present in the new fink


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