hostname - set or print name of current host system
hostname [-s] [name-of-host]
The hostname utility prints the name of the current host. The super-user
can set the hostname by supplying an argument.
-s Trim off any domain information from the printed name.
Craig Sutherland
"Who is John Galt"
On Nov 21, 2003, at 11:03 AM, jfm wrote:
On Nov 21, 2003, at 5:30 PM, Aaron Magill wrote:>snip<
Hadn't heard anything so I wanted to try again... has anyone else experienced the following or have any thoughts on what to do to correct it?There was a problem in that the Apple-shipped cron-scripts use 'hostname -s',
After installing coreutils, the fink version of su fails, apparently because it isn't properly getting account info from Panther. OpenSSH seems to also have this problem, as when I run the fink ssh daemon, I am unable to login remotely because all account/password combinations are rejected.
Any one else have similar problems with Panther or have thoughts on how to correct this? If it matters, I did a clean install of Panther (all Jaguar stuff removed first).
and coreutils' hostname doesn't know this option, hence sets the hostname to '-s'.
JF Mertens